March 25, 2022

Mountain Recreation is conducting an online survey to gather community input on its current quality of programs, and accessibility to its facilities across the valley. The survey data will allow District staff to assess community needs and lay the groundwork for future programs, activities, and events. The survey is available in English and Spanish at MountainRec.org/survey until April 10.

“Mountain Recreation is not the District it once was,” offers Anna Englehart, Superintendent of Recreation Programs at Mountain Recreation. “In the last 20 years the District has grown substantially, and we’ve had to evolve as our community’s needs change. We want to get a pulse on how we are serving our community, identify any gaps in service, and be able to shift our offerings, if need be, to further maximize already over-capacity spaces.”

The Mountain Rec District spans from Dotsero to Edwards and as far north as McCoy, however Mountain Rec encourages the entire Eagle County community at large to participate. Respondents will be asked questions regarding frequency of facility use and program participation, barriers to entry, need for current programs, interest in potential future programs, and about the District’s increasing outdoor recreation programs.

In order to fully-utilize the District’s three indoor and five outdoor facilities, the District currently runs five departments: Gymnastics, Aquatics, Athletics & Sports, Day Camps, and Outdoor Recreation. The community survey is intended to gain an understanding on how these offerings currently impact our community and how the District may evolve to meet new needs.

“It’s always been our process to ask our community what they need first, instead of providing offerings we think the community wants. We want Mountain Recreation to be able to strategically adapt and go beyond traditional government-run recreation. We want to create welcoming community centers for all. We hope this survey gives everyone a chance to shape how we as a community look out for our health together;” said Eddie Campos, Marketing & Communications Manager at Mountain Recreation.

To help create a welcoming space for everyone, the survey will also ask respondents on their comfort level in facilities and programs across many factors. Since January of 2021 District staff have been working to further Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by creating a sense belonging in their programs and facilities.

The online survey will be available until April 10 on Mountain Recreation’s website at MountainRec.org. For more information, please contact Anna Englehart at AEnglehart@MountainRec.org.



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