Mountain Rec Announces District-Wide Closure due to COVID-19
Effective Friday, March 13
Mountain Recreation has made the difficult decision to cancel scheduled programs and close our three recreation facilities until it’s appropriate to reopen. We are in full support and compliance of Eagle County’s standing public health order related to suspending events and gatherings which was announced today.
We are closing to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. If we can do our part to delay the spread by keeping people away from each other, we have a chance to help more people effectively and not overwhelm hospitals and infrastructure.
“We are all a part of the health system and in order to reduce the speed of transmission our staff feel it’s appropriate to suspend our program and facility operations,” said Janet Bartnik, Executive Director of Mountain Recreation.
UPDATE: Mountain Recreation Metropolitan District filed a Disaster Declaration – March 12, 2020.
WHY?: Eagle County is beginning to experience community-level transmission of COVID-19. The current outbreak of COVID-19 exceeds the ability of Mountain Recreation Metropolitan District without assistance from Eagle County and the State of Colorado. The purpose of this declaration of a local disaster emergency is to activate the response and recovery aspects of any and all applicable local and interjurisdictional disaster emergency plans and to authorize the furnishing of aid and assistance under such plans. This declaration shall be valid for a period not to exceed seven (7) days, unless continued or renewed by the Board of Directors of the Mountain Recreation Metropolitan District.
En efecto el viernes 13 de marzo
Mountain Recreation ha tomado la difícil decisión de cancelar los programas programados y de cerrar nuestras tres instalaciones recreativas de marzo hasta que sea apropiado reabrir. Estamos en total apoyo y cumplimiento de la orden de salud pública del Condado de Eagle relacionada con la suspensión de eventos y reuniones que se anunció hoy.
Estamos cerrando para ayudar a retrasar la propagación del virus COVID-19. Si podemos hacer nuestra parte para retrasar la propagación, manteniendo a las personas alejadas entre sí, tenemos la oportunidad de ayudar a más personas de manera efectiva y no abrumar a los hospitales y la infraestructura.
“Todos somos parte del sistema de salud y para reducir la velocidad de propagación, nuestro personal considera apropiado suspender las operaciones de nuestras instalaciones y programas”, dijo Janet Bartnik, Directora Ejecutiva de Mountain Recreation.