September 4, 2020

After completing a combination of in-person and online community input, an analysis of survey data, creating a concept plan, soliciting a second round of feedback, and lastly finalizing a master plan; Mountain Recreation has now broken ground in Eagle as part of the First Phase of the Eagle Sports Complex upgrades.

We believe that everyone deserves to be healthy and happy. Despite this firm belief, we are unable to serve many members of the community due to our aging amenities and undersized facilities. For more than two years, Mountain Rec staff worked diligently with partners, consultants, and the community to assess the community’s needs across Gypsum, Eagle, and Edwards.

Staying true to our process we asked the community what they wanted to see at the Eagle Sports Complex through an online survey and by meeting with a diverse collection of user groups and stakeholders. From this community input, consultants created this Master Plan, which highlights the three phases that this project will undergo. The Master Plan also shows how architectural designs change during the process as we receive community and construction input.



For the first phase of this three-phase project, Mountain Rec will move forward with upgrading the restrooms, enhanced concessions, and providing more shade–some of the most requested items by the community – and improving sports lighting controls. Subsequent phases will add a more welcoming atmosphere, including more comfortable walkways, even more shade, and a play structure, among other improvements.

Thanks to years of diligent savings, we are excited to share that Mountain Rec was able to fund this project in full. Funds were secured directly from Mountain Rec’s fund balance allowing us to guarantee project completion without a mill levy increase. In addition, Mountain Rec made sure to undergo a value engineering phase to ensure tax dollars are being spent economically. It is through Mountain Rec’s smart financial planning that we are able to complete this project in three phases without requesting any additional funds from District voters.

The expected project completion date is March of 2021. Parking will remain unchanged and visitors are welcome to park at either lot. Porta potties will be accessible on site and the current construction site will be fenced off. To learn more and receive updates regarding our Capital projects, including the Eagle Sports Complex you can sign up HERE.

We look forward to spring and summer of 2021, to youth and adult sports leagues and to so much more. We are confident this will allow us to provide crucial services to our community and visitors, making a day at the Eagle Sports Complex more enjoyable for all.


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