What Mountain Rec Is Doing

It’s clear that things are different outside. Offices are shuttered, grocery stores are empty, and many of us are working from home as we all practice social distancing. One of the big differences you’ve already noticed is that Mountain Rec is closed—until it is safe to reopen. While temporarily closed, our staff is still working hard and below is just a tiny highlight of all that’s been completed:
· At Eagle Pool & Ice Rink, staff spent two days removing the ice and our refrigeration mechanics shut us down to prepare for the summer and pumped out our snow melt area and removed all trash items from building.
· The Edwards Field House has been established as an emergency center if the need arises for Eagle River Fire District employees and has created new signage at all Mountain Rec entrances and essential gathering areas.
· Gypsum Rec Center deep cleaned with hospital-grade solution that kills bacteria and viruses alike. They cleaned and disinfected every toy, book, puzzle, chair, table, cubby, counter, shelf, light fixtures, vents, mirrors, walls, sinks, partitions, toilets, showers, floors, machines, cardio equipment, dumb bells, racks, weights, bars, accessories, balls, steps and mats.
While we’re socially distant, we know you’ll miss your exercise class, your community, and your friends at Mountain Rec, but we will be offering you something every single weekday while we’re closed. Our amazing staff have come together and created themed days with correlating activities that we will share with you on our Facebook page. Some will be videos, some will be ways to help the community, and some will be ideas on how to get outside and get your body moving. This is just the beginning of what we’ll be sharing online, but our schedule will be as follows:
Mondays: exercise or mediation
Tuesdays: crafts, DIY, and healthy cooking
Wednesdays: community connect
Thursdays: giving back to our community
Fridays: movement
If you haven’t liked Mountain Rec on Facebook yet, today’s a great day to do it: https://www.facebook.com/mtnrecreation/. While you’re at it, please also join the Mountain Rec Fitness Community group, where Kevin and his staff have already been hard at work creating some amazing exercises to do at home.
Please remember to do these five things to help prevent the spread of COVID-19: wash your hands often, cough into your elbow, don’t touch your face, keep safe distance, and stay home unless you need essential items from the grocery or pharmacy. And most importantly, practice social distancing.
What is Social Distancing?
· It’s not just for those feeling sick. We all play a part in spreading the virus, no matter how it affects us. It’s a numbers game, the less places you go, people you interact with the better chance we have of squashing the spread. Let’s spread hope, love and strength, not the virus!
· We’re doing this because we love our parents, we love our neighbors, we love our healthcare professionals and we love our friends. Our favorite bartender just lost their job, our favorite small business just closed and we can’t stomach the thought of it happening anymore. Social Distance for the people you love. Focus on what you CAN DO.
· The faster we adapt our lifestyle to practice vigilant social distancing, the faster we hope to get back to hugging each other. This means: (1) No playdates or gathering (indoors or outdoors) with friends outside of the people you live with. (2) Only go to the grocery or pharmacy when you must. (3) Keep your social connections active, just do it in a virtual format – this is our new socializing reality so let’s get creative, we know you can do it!
· Exercise, walking, hiking, and biking outdoors is definitely still okay. This will help support our physical and emotional health. We just need to recognize that doing these activities in groups of people is simply not best for you or our community at this time.
· If you have a neighbor or family member that could use help picking up groceries or medications, it’s still okay to help. Connect by phone to see what they need and drop items off on their doorstep.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us at Mountain Rec at info@Mountainrec.org. And, to keep up to date on Eagle County’s response and actions regarding COVID-19, please be sure you like One Valley Voice on Facebook to receive the most recent news: https://www.facebook.com/onevalleyvoice/ and check www.ecemergency.org.
Thank you, and please stay safe.
Janet Bartnik is the Executive Director at Mountain Recreation. Contact Janet at JBartnik@MountainRec.org