Mountain Rec Staff Earn National Professional Credentials

Working in “leisure services” sounds to some a lot like the best, and perhaps easiest, job on the planet. Four Mountain Recreation staff members have proven there is more to it than just rolling a ball across the gym floor and letting kids play. Sheryl Staten, Anna Englehart, Kacy Carmichael, and Zane Gard earned their Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) credentials in April – the national standard for all parks and rec professionals who want to be at the forefront of their profession.
“These achievements affirm the staff’s commitment and passion to serve the community through their work in the field of recreation,” stated Janet Bartnik, Mountain Recreation’s Executive Director, and also a Certified Park and Recreation Professional. “While all our team members are true professionals, there are now a total of five of us who are nationally certified.”
Attaining the CPRP designation shows that staff have met education and experience qualifications and illustrates their commitment to the profession as well as their knowledge and understanding of key concepts within parks and recreation services.
The exam tests knowledge of human resources, park operations, facility operations, recreation programming, finance, and communications. It is often the culmination of years of service in the field, such as Aquatics Supervisor Kacy Carmichael’s eight-year career with the District. “I feel satisfied to have passed and look forward to continuing my education through conferences and seminars.”
“I think it is important to always be learning,” said Zane Gard, Sports Supervisor. “I am grateful for Mountain Rec making it possible for me to pursue this professional development opportunity.”
Eagle Pool & Ice Rink Supervisor Sheryl Staten, a 20-year Mountain Rec veteran, stated “I wanted to challenge myself and make sure that I am doing the best I can for our community. I am proud to be committed to this profession and I believe that by receiving by the CPRP it encourages me to seek out even more opportunities to learn.”
Anna Englehart, Superintendent of Recreation Programs, was glad that a group of staff decided to study together to take the exam. “I don’t know why we waited so long, as we all passed with flying colors!”
Our mission at Mountain Recreation is to provide world-class recreational opportunities so everyone in our community lives a healthy and happy life. To succeed, every day we take necessary steps, like this one, to make our community better than yesterday. We are excited and proud to see our staff reach new heights. Thank you for your dedication.