
You can help make this place beautiful.  Join us along with the Town of Eagle, Eagle County Open Space, and CSU-Extension as we weed and eventually seed the field in front of the Eagle Pool and Ice Rink.  Pulling weeds and planting drought-tolerant native plants will help visually improve the area and provide habitat for animals  All ages and abilities welcome!  Please sign the waiver below, and email to Lizzy at LOwens@MountainRec.org, and we’ll see you soon!

Sign the Waiver

What to Bring

  • Work gloves and work clothing (long pants and closed-toe shoes)
  • Water bottle full of water (the closest potable water is at the Eagle Pool & Ice Rink)
  • Hat, sunglasses, and any other sun protection
  • Layers!  The weather changes here pretty quickly so be prepared.
  • Snacks–we’re working on getting a food truck and will update this page when we do.


  • Wednesday, June 28, from 5pm-8pm, in partnership with Eagle River Watershed Council
  • Wednesday, July 26, from 5pm-8pm
  • Wednesday, August 30, from 5pm-8pm
  • Wednesday, September 27, from 5pm-8pm
  • Wednesday, October 25, from 5pm-8pm (seeding)

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